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Vintun is a small disadvantaged business established under the Native Hawaiian Owned 8(a) program.
The Vintun leadership team has substantial experience in delivering complex services and solutions across multiple industries. Our background, our commitment to excellence, and our experience delivering to major military and government organizations differentiates us from others.
Vintun is compliant in the following standards:
ISO 9001: 18239 – Quality Management Systems
Provide professional support services to internal and external customers via the Integrated Management System
ISO 27001: 18250 – IT – Information Security Management System
Maintain protection of our information assets and associated data managed through our Integrated Management System in accordance with the Statement of Applicability dated May 21, 2021 v.7.1
ISO 20000-1: 18268 – IT – Service Management Systems
Provide service management support activities to internal and external customers via our Integrated Management System and service catalogue services
Our Back Office is certified in the above standards.

Social Impact
Vintun is owned by Na Oiwi Kane, a nonprofit organization based in Kailua, Hawaii that develops and delivers critical social programs for native Hawaiians. The programs that have been established provide support and teaching to at-risk youth and strive to improve nutritional and agricultural sustainability in Hawaii.
Vintun is a key sponsor of Virginia Veterans (VAVETS), which provides focused support to Veterans that are returning from deployment or transitioning into civilian careers. VAVETS, a nonprofit organization based in Northern Virginia, works with other GOVCON industry partners to raise awareness and funds for initiatives that support these programs.
Giving back is part of our culture. We encourage and support our Practitioners to get involved in their communities in whatever way they choose. Many participate in local charities and programs benefiting returning veterans.
Proud to support the following local organizations: